why do we do sabbath sunday?
The word 'sabbath' is a reference from Scripture. Simply put, sabbath means to cease from work and to rest. While there is a command to rest from doing physical work, the New Testament introduces the idea of a spiritual rest as well. Jesus’ death and resurrection has covered the sins of everyone who believes in Him; therefore, followers of Jesus have been freed from all striving in the flesh. The Bible makes it clear that when we believe in Jesus our works and striving also rest. We no longer have to strive and toil to gain God’s love for us. Not only do we rest physically on a weekly basis but we have found rest for our souls on a daily basis. We can rest knowing Jesus accomplished everything we could not.
what is sabbath sunday?
We believe what the Bible says and aim to live out its principles. We practice Sabbath Sunday to live out the scriptures in a practical way. Every month that has a fifth Sunday, we take as an opportunity to Sabbath rest on the last Sunday of that month. This happens about four to five times a year. Our hope by practicing this corporately, is that you would be able to practice this privately by seeing that it is not just a quarterly rest from church, but a monthly, weekly and daily Sabbath rest as well. We encourage you to be intentional about these Sabbath rest times and to rest in the sacrifice of Jesus.
Check on the sermon series below to hear more.
Check on the sermon series below to hear more.
Sabbath Rest
Jun 23, 2024
Sabbath Rest
Oct 22, 2023 • Joel Grobbelaar
Sabbath Rest - Apex
Jul 23, 2023
God Gave Us Sabbath Rest
Apr 23, 2023 • Louis Martinez
Sabbath Sunday | Trust & Rest
Jul 23, 2023
How To Rest In A Gospel Way - Part 1
Mar 22, 2020
How To Rest In A Gospel Way - Part 2
May 24, 2020
How To Rest In A Gospel Way - Part 3
Aug 23, 2020
How To Rest In A Gospel Way - Part 4
May 23, 2021
How To Rest In A Gospel Way - Part 5
Oct 24, 2021
What Happens When we Rest in Jesus?
May 22, 2022
Sabbath Sunday Devotion
Oct 31, 2021 • Joseph Marquez